Hogwarts Will Always Be Here To Welcome Us Home

2:29 PM Amanda Prahl 0 Comments

I didn't plan on posting anything today. But I just got back from my local Barnes & Noble, running a quick afternoon errand to pick up a CD (yes, I buy CDs, leave this old lady alone) and suddenly I'm feeling unexpectedly emotional. Why? Two words: Midnight Madness.


I See The Light: Why I Proudly Still Watch 'Kid' Movies

3:33 PM Amanda Prahl 0 Comments

I am a woman in my twenties. I have multiple degrees and am working on my master's. I think I'm fairly socially aware and culturally discerning. And I count several animated movies among my favorite films and am an unabashed Disney-phile. Recently, I've encountered people in several settings who have seemed surprised or amused to discover this preference of mine, seeming to think that such tastes are- or should be- outgrown.


Quotes We All Need To Hear Right Now

7:14 PM Amanda Prahl 0 Comments

I am exhausted. And I bet you are too.

A few days ago, when I woke up yet again to hear about violence and loss of life and all the surrounding political discourse, I tweeted, "Some days I wake up and think we must be living in a dystopian novel. But I can pray, and I can love, and that's something, at least." And now, today, another tragedy, another loss of life.

I can't do anything about any of this. I am blessed in that the worst effect for me is a feeling of powerlessness and worry for the world I live in. I have not personally lost. I cannot begin to imagine the depths of grief these extended communities must be suffering. And it is their stories above all. But for those who feel drained hearing bad news in a never-ending cycle, for those who are looking for something to lift them up just a little bit, this is for you. I have little to offer, but this is the best I can do.