Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Gender, Power, and the Megamusical in the Land of Oz. Part 1

3:25 PM Amanda Prahl 0 Comments

I thought I'd try something a little different for this post, something a little more academic. But not dry, I promise! The musical I love best in the world is Wicked, and I've always had a fascination with the world of Oz. As I've grown older and learned more about the story and its contexts over time, I wanted to do some research into the power and gender dynamics in the story. This particular commentary ended up pretty long, so I'm dividing it into sections. (Note: I'll put references at the bottom of each post in case anyone wants to take a look at some of my sources). First up: a character analysis of the ladies of Oz.


Calling all Cortexifans: Here's a successor to Fringe- and you should be watching!

11:04 AM Amanda Prahl 0 Comments

"You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing." And for five glorious seasons, Fringe was a favorite thing for millions of fans who loved its unique blend of outrageously creative and creepy sci-fi mythology, thoughtful philosophy, and emotionally rich character arcs. In today's TV milieu, dominated by anti-hero cable dramas and sharp-tongued sitcoms, there is little, if anything, that captures a similar spirit of adventure and darkness alongside a healthy dose of hope. But with last season's breakout hit Sleepy Hollow, it seems the spirit (no pun intended) of Fringe may once again be on our TVs. Here's four reasons why you should be watching, Fringe fan or not.

Sleepy Hollow cast, image (c) Fox